Saturday, December 17, 2016

If we have two sides/pillars, where is God located?

God includes everything, and therefore also good and evil. But we know that we have to search for Him in the direction of the Tree of Life, which goes beyond the concept of good and evil.

Eleazar of Worms in his Chokmat Ha-Nefesh gives us a clear indication: "And He is between the physical head, as fire; and between the heart, as a flame; and between the inner part of the lower part of the belly; and between the genitalia and the sexual organs; and between the ears that hear; and between the eyes that see; and between the nostrils of the nose; and between the lips that speak; and between the throat and the esophagus; and between the shoulders; and between the arms; and between the legs; and between the limbs".

This is just the so called "middle pillar", or central path. In the true, Eleazar does not refer to the "physical" location of God, but where we, as human beings, have to keep Him in order to establish a connection with Him.

Here, we can see the two "natures" of divinity. From one side, God is all encompassing, but from the other side we can draw to Him following a certain path/direction. The former is what we usually call God. The latter is called Lord, or YHWH.

Eleazar adds: "'If you turn to the Lord your God' (Deuteronomy 4:30), while the Neshamah is in His nose and He is the One among His spirits angels, 'His ministers [are] a flaming fire' (Psalm 104:4)".

This is apparently a quite obscure sentence. But, if we analyze it well, we will find its meaning. We need to place our soul/Neshamah into the stream of His nose. The nose is the place from which the air/breath/spirit come from. And God's breath is called Ruach Ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit). If our soul is in the path of God's Holy Spirit, we are transformed into a flaming fire and become His ministers. This is quite similar to the concept of becoming a Merkava (Chariot) for the Lord. But here, we are not just the vehicle, we become the man sitting on the chariot, as we are His ministers and in unity with Him.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Angels... do they really exist? Can we talk to them?

In the Jewish tradition, there is a special kind of angel, which is called Maggid, or messenger/preaching angel. It is a sort of guardian angel, but with some very specific characteristics. Let us find what they are about.

A Maggid can be seen, but usually it enters the body of the person calling at it. Then, the kabbalist can hear its voice, or see it, as it happened directly inside his brain. Often, the kabbalist enters a sort of trance state and does not clearly remember what happened. There were important kabbalist receiving people, and the Maggid could be questioned and instruct them about any matter.

There is a tradition that certain books were written under the dictation of an angel. Fortunately, today we have a real diary of encounters with a Maggid, translated in English for the first time. The author faithfully records its teachings and comments them.

Here we have some extracts of Joseph Caro/Karo's Maggid Me-Yesharim (The Preaching Angel From The Straight Ones).

In the opening, the Maggid assures Caro that he is blessed by the Lord. However, he must distance from earthly thoughts and take care of the bond with his Creator. The reward is to be able to perform the same miracles the ancient ones used to do: “'The Lord is with you, etc.' (Judges 6:12) − if only you stick to Me, and you fear Me, and if you do not distance My teachings from your thoughts for even one moment. 'For as much as I made you prince over My people, etc.' (1 Kings 16:2) − is a warning for you not to separate for even one moment from fearing Me and the teachings from your mind. And you shall neither eat nor drink looking for pleasure at all, for of what use is the lust for pleasure in this world? Your mind must only think that, if the soul could exist into the body with no worldly pleasure, it would be very good. So, you must be always united to the Creator, and you will have the merit of doing miracles with your own hands, as the first Israelites used to do".

Caro's duties include helping the others, even the evil ones, to draw closer to their Creator: "And I will grant you the right of going up to the Land of Israel, and you will learn and reach. And you will restore many vessels that were lost. And you will have the merit of having thousands of students who will want to learn with you. And you will also have the merit of influencing some evil people, letting them repent, and this is the meaning of restoring the vessels that were lost.And I will grant you the right of going up to the Land of Israel, and you will learn and reach. And you will restore many vessels that were lost. And you will have the merit of having thousands of students who will want to learn with you. And you will also have the merit of influencing some evil people, letting them repent, and this is the meaning of restoring the vessels that were lost".

But the Maggid also anticipates earthly happening, such as when it describes the qualities of Caro's newborn: "And therefore, the son that will be born to you will be lightly dark and will also have a dark vision".

Sometimes, the Maggid corrects Caro's misconduct, pointing out at his mistakes and giving him a chance to become a better person: "Even though you separated yourself from thinking about My Torah and fearing Me, and even though you went after mundane pleasures, I will not abandon you, etc. If you only come back to think about My Torah and to fearing Me always, without interruption for even one second. And then, 'I will put my words in your mouth' (Isaiah 51:16)".

This wonderful pearl of Kabbalah was published in 4 volumes.

Previews are available clicking here and selecting the books.

Kabbalah is a fashion nowadays. But, like all fashions, it might quickly fade away, if it proved to be of little use. And, indeed, Kabbalah is a "divine" science that has little to offer to the everyday life. Therefore, it is quite unuseful for the non spiritual person.
In the true, the kabbalists know that this is only an excuse to prevent evil people from touching this sacred science, the Science of sciences.
The world knows two types of truths: Truths of Science and Truths of Faith. Man has always tried to connect the two, which often wage war against each other, with little to no success. Philosophy had this ungrateful task and little could it achieve.
Kabbalah is the missing link, a science in itself, comprising the two side pillars of Science and Faith. It is, in fact, the central column that explains everything that Science and Faith cannot explain.

This said, one of the main focuses of Kabbalah has always been to reestablish a link with our Creator, which was severed with the fall of Adam and Eve from Paradise. Thus, one of the first goals is to purify oneself and learn the mystical techniques that allow us to actually visit the kabbalistic worlds, as they are depicted. If they did not really exist, why would someone study Kabbalah?

During the journey to God, which often takes a lifetime and more, one discovers deep mysteries that shed a completely new light into scientific discoveries and every scent of knowledge. The perception of reality changes, until we become a Chariot to the Lord.

Aside the many kabbalistic schools, the most prominent of which are just businesses and completely lack a depth in the subject, when they just do not corrupt it, Kabbalah seems a dead topic, a journey of the past. The true kabbalists are few, but it is their time now to bring this knowledge to the world.

For this reason, this blog was launched. We will announce the availability of new original translations, publish some unique teachings, explain what the true Kabbalah is. Everybody is invited to follow and subscribe to our network to receive updated news. If you want to collaborate, just contact us.