Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Kabbalah is a fashion nowadays. But, like all fashions, it might quickly fade away, if it proved to be of little use. And, indeed, Kabbalah is a "divine" science that has little to offer to the everyday life. Therefore, it is quite unuseful for the non spiritual person.
In the true, the kabbalists know that this is only an excuse to prevent evil people from touching this sacred science, the Science of sciences.
The world knows two types of truths: Truths of Science and Truths of Faith. Man has always tried to connect the two, which often wage war against each other, with little to no success. Philosophy had this ungrateful task and little could it achieve.
Kabbalah is the missing link, a science in itself, comprising the two side pillars of Science and Faith. It is, in fact, the central column that explains everything that Science and Faith cannot explain.

This said, one of the main focuses of Kabbalah has always been to reestablish a link with our Creator, which was severed with the fall of Adam and Eve from Paradise. Thus, one of the first goals is to purify oneself and learn the mystical techniques that allow us to actually visit the kabbalistic worlds, as they are depicted. If they did not really exist, why would someone study Kabbalah?

During the journey to God, which often takes a lifetime and more, one discovers deep mysteries that shed a completely new light into scientific discoveries and every scent of knowledge. The perception of reality changes, until we become a Chariot to the Lord.

Aside the many kabbalistic schools, the most prominent of which are just businesses and completely lack a depth in the subject, when they just do not corrupt it, Kabbalah seems a dead topic, a journey of the past. The true kabbalists are few, but it is their time now to bring this knowledge to the world.

For this reason, this blog was launched. We will announce the availability of new original translations, publish some unique teachings, explain what the true Kabbalah is. Everybody is invited to follow and subscribe to our network to receive updated news. If you want to collaborate, just contact us.

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