Saturday, December 17, 2016

If we have two sides/pillars, where is God located?

God includes everything, and therefore also good and evil. But we know that we have to search for Him in the direction of the Tree of Life, which goes beyond the concept of good and evil.

Eleazar of Worms in his Chokmat Ha-Nefesh gives us a clear indication: "And He is between the physical head, as fire; and between the heart, as a flame; and between the inner part of the lower part of the belly; and between the genitalia and the sexual organs; and between the ears that hear; and between the eyes that see; and between the nostrils of the nose; and between the lips that speak; and between the throat and the esophagus; and between the shoulders; and between the arms; and between the legs; and between the limbs".

This is just the so called "middle pillar", or central path. In the true, Eleazar does not refer to the "physical" location of God, but where we, as human beings, have to keep Him in order to establish a connection with Him.

Here, we can see the two "natures" of divinity. From one side, God is all encompassing, but from the other side we can draw to Him following a certain path/direction. The former is what we usually call God. The latter is called Lord, or YHWH.

Eleazar adds: "'If you turn to the Lord your God' (Deuteronomy 4:30), while the Neshamah is in His nose and He is the One among His spirits angels, 'His ministers [are] a flaming fire' (Psalm 104:4)".

This is apparently a quite obscure sentence. But, if we analyze it well, we will find its meaning. We need to place our soul/Neshamah into the stream of His nose. The nose is the place from which the air/breath/spirit come from. And God's breath is called Ruach Ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit). If our soul is in the path of God's Holy Spirit, we are transformed into a flaming fire and become His ministers. This is quite similar to the concept of becoming a Merkava (Chariot) for the Lord. But here, we are not just the vehicle, we become the man sitting on the chariot, as we are His ministers and in unity with Him.

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  1. Hi! How can I get copies (digital if possible) of the ALL the books published by David Smith, LLC? My email address is Thanks!
